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prior request中文是什么意思

用"prior request"造句"prior request"怎么读"prior request" in a sentence


  • 预先请求


  • If memory usage continues to trend upwards even though the application has completed its initialization and its load is not increasing , the program is probably retaining objects generated in the course of processing prior requests
  • In essence , internet service providers isps in hong kong would observe an industry code of practice to tackle spamming on the internet , , which involved bulk unsolicited e - mail messages or articles sent via electronic mail without the recipients prior request or consent
  • The administration announced joint anti - spam initiatives in hong kong . in essence , internet service providers ( isps ) in hong kong would observe an industry code of practice to tackle spamming on the internet , , which involved bulk unsolicited e - mail messages or articles sent via electronic mail without the recipients prior request or consent
用"prior request"造句  
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